- Colour
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- Category
- 12V Accessories (9)
- 12V Appliances (5)
- 12v Fans (4)
- Caravan Fans Coolers & Air Conditioners (35)
- Evaporative Coolers (8)
- Hardwired Fans (14)
- Portable Fans (13)
- Caravan Lighting (7)
- 12V Caravan Lighting (2)
- Caravan Internal Lighting (1)
- Caravan Multi Purpose Lights (3)
- Caravan Reading Light (1)
- Caravan Vents Hatches & Doors (9)
- Vents (9)
- Gift Ideas and Cards (26)
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- Gifts From $150 (3)
- Gifts Under $100 (4)
- Gifts Under $250 (3)
- Gifts Under $50 (2)
- Kitchen Accessories (2)
- Gadgets (2)
- Brand
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- Price
- Caravan Privacy Screens
- Black Privacy Screens
- Campsmart Screens
- Campsmart XD Screens
- Caravan Awning End Walls
- Caravan Ends
- Fiamma Screens
- Fridge & Kitchen Side Screens
- Fridge Screens
- Kitchen Screens
- Long Wall Sun Shades
- Pop Top Ends
- XD Black Screens
- XD End Walls
- XD Fiamma Screens
- XD Kitchen Screens
- XD Mesh Screens
- XD Privacy Screens - All XD Screens
- XD Waterproof End Walls
- XD Waterproof Fiamma
- XD Waterproof Privacy Screens
- Caravan Awnings
- Caravan Appliances
- Caravan Matting
- Caravan Electrical Supplies
- Caravan Covers
- Adco Camper Trailer Covers
- Adco Caravan Covers
- Adco Caravan Covers
- Adco Pop Top Covers
- All Explore Covers
- Camec Camper Trailer Covers
- Camec Covers
- Camec Pop Top Covers
- Camper Trailer Covers
- Caravan Covers
- Explore Camper Trailer Covers
- Explore Caravan Covers
- Explore Pop Top Covers
- Jayco Dove Camper Covers
- Jayco Eagle & Hawk Camper Covers
- Jayco Finch Camper Covers
- Jayco Flamingo Camper Covers
- Jayco Penguin Camper Covers
- Jayco Swan Camper Covers
- Pop-top Caravan Covers
- Parts & Accessories
- Campsmart Range
- Campsmart AFK
- Campsmart Bed Flys
- Campsmart Deflappers
- Campsmart Fiamma Accessories
- Campsmart hoses
- Campsmart Kitchen Accessories
- Campsmart Matting
- Campsmart Rafters
- Campsmart Ramps & Jack Pads
- Campsmart Recovery Ramps
- Campsmart Steps
- Campsmart Storm Covers
- Camspmart Waterproof XD Screens
- XL Deflappers
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Our 12V fans for caravans will have you cooled down in no time
Camping in the warm Australian sun is what life’s all about. At Campsmart, we’re here to make your camping experience as comfortable as possible. We have an extensive range of 12V fans, caravan fans, air coolers and more.
Caframo Sirocco 12V fan – your leading caravan fan
Our Caframo Sirocco series are our deluxe range of caravan fans. They are hard-wired onto your van, so there’s no need to worry about replacing batteries or fiddling with cords. Our Sirocco range runs on 12 volt power and has an impressive 4-year warranty. Built to last with excellent energy efficiency, this 12V fan is whisper quiet yet very powerful.
Camping has never felt so luxurious. Our range of MaxxAir 12 volt caravan fans are the premium option for caravan cooling. Fitted to the roof of your caravan, this RV fan will keep you cool no matter what the weather outside. The dome-shaped top can be raised or lowered (both manual and power options are available) depending on the rain or wind. A powerful 10-speed motor powers this 12V fan and it can be installed onto all standard 14” x 14” openings. Indulge yourself today with the MaxxAir range.
Evapolar caravan cooler
Our Evapolar air coolers are evaporative caravan fans, using innovative technology to cool and humidify while cleaning dust particles from the air. Unlike a standard 12V fan, our air coolers can be easily connected by a USB port – using minimal power and providing efficient, eco-friendly cooling.
IceO Cube 12V fan
Are you looking for a portable 12 volt fan? Our IceO Cube 12V fan is just what you’re looking for. This versatile caravan fan is an evaporative air cooler, ideal for caravans, boats, tents, RV’s or even at home. The IceO Cube compact camping fan is a popular option for those travelling. It’s cost-effective and easy to use with a refillable water tank and rechargeable battery, allowing up to 4 hrs of fan time without being connected to power!
Why do I need a caravan fan?
Caravan fans will keep you comfortable on hot days and nights while you’re travelling. Even if your RV or caravan has air conditioning, there may be times where power is inaccessible or, you would prefer a smaller, 12V fan option to cool you down. It will help circulate air in your van and can either be fitted to your wall or portable to move about the space. No matter which option you prefer, Campsmart has all the caravan fans and coolers you need.
Ready to update your caravan electrical? Shop our range online now or contact us on 1300 553 189 for more information.